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5784 Hineni Appeal

 I/We recognize Congregation Mekor Shalom's need for financial and in-kind support as well as donations of time and talent.

Knowing that Mekor Shalom is a sacred community dedicated to valuing every person and family for who we are, and wishing to do my/our part, we say “Hineni – Here Am I.” I/we commit the following (time, talent, and/or financial resources) in support of Mekor Shalom:

Below please include the name(s) as you would like it to appear on
a donor acknowledgment list. 

(e.g. Sarah Fruma Shulstein-Knish & Hayyim Yankel Knish or
The Oy Vey Foundation)

Please note that a payment is not required at this time.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784